07 September 2021 17:30

A survey conducted in 2019 by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is the first international study that focuses on social and emotional skills. The Ministry of National Education took an important step to participate in the first trial of the survey and it became one of the nine states which took part in the survey.
Social and emotional skills collected under five titles
Social and emotional skills observed in the survey were collected under five titles namely engaging with others, open-mindedness, collaboration, emotional regulation and task performance. It is stressed that in addition to reinforcing the academic success of students, these skills are important for their adaptation to society and success in their professional lives.
Social and emotional skills of little children are stronger than adults in the participant countries
The survey primarily carried out comparative research about the social and emotional skills of 10 and 15 year old age groups. Results revealed that this age group showed higher performance than the 15 year old age group in skills. There was the biggest difference in confidence, energy, sociability and patience. Decrease in the social and emotional skills in time was observed among participant states. This decrease was regarded as a puberty effect.
Relation between skills and socioeconomic level
The survey revealed that socioeconomic status has an important impact on social and emotional skills. General results show that students who have advantages in terms of socioeconomic level have higher points while İstanbul was an important exception in the survey. İstanbul was the only city which revealed the weakest relation between mentioned skills and socioeconomic level. Students of the city who have disadvantages in terms of socioeconomic level, scored higher points in diligence and success motivation skills.
Variables which have strongest relations with academic success are ambition, diligence and confidence
Another topic of the survey was the relationship between social and emotional skills and academic success. It was observed that although there is a weak link between measured skills and school success, ambition, diligence and confidence has stronger relationships with the success of the student. Results revealed that academic success of a student increases when there is gradually increasing interaction between the student and teachers.
Extra-curricular activities contribute to the development of social and emotional skills
The survey revealed that students who attend extra-curricular activities and sports activities have higher levels of social and emotional skills. It was observed that these activities contribute to the creativity and interest of students which played a key role in the school success and selection of future professions.
Forming a frame for social and emotional skills
The survey report suggested that forming a frame for the assessment of social and emotional skills of students in Turkey, raising awareness of teachers about these skills will encourage students and increase the creativity skills of students.