04 January 2022 12:57

Minister of National Education Mahmut Özer made comments about vocational high schools which broke a historical record and made 1 billion and 162 million liras to the economy in 2021.
Reminding that the Ministry opened 50 R&D centers in vocational schools in the previous years, Özer noted that they have completed 1000 Schools in the Vocational Education Project and exceeded their goal to increase production capacity.
Özer stated that the purpose of increasing production was to teach students with practicing and allow them to develop their skills in order to increase their employment rate.
Noting that students received minimum wage from the funds accumulated at of schools, Özer went on to say that:
"In 2020, the income of these schools was 503 million liras and our goal for 2021 was reaching 1 billion liras income from the production capacity of vocational schools.  I am happy to announce that we did not only achieve our goal but also exceeded it in vocational education in 2021. When compared to the figures of 2020, our income increased by 131 percent and reached 1 billion and 162 million liras. I would like to thank and congratulate my colleagues, all provincial directors of national education and school principals."
Özer cited President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's statement that the goal in 2022 is to reach 1.5 billion liras income from vocational high schools.
İstanbul ranked first in Türkiye
Stressing that the Ministry is working in an effort to reach this goal, Özer stated that the first three cities which earned the highest income from the production of vocational high schools are İstanbul, Ankara and İzmir.
Özer pointed out that vocational high schools in İstanbul failed to rank among 20 cities which have the highest production capacity in vocational high schools three years ago but ranked first this year with 121 million liras income.
Vocational high schools in Ankara ranked second with 88 million liras income and schools in İzmir ranked third with 50 million liras income.
Minister Özer noted that students and teachers got their share from the production income from the rotating capital.