09 December 2020 13:53

Minister of National Education Ziya Selçuk said concerning the cooperation protocol signed with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, "This protocol foresees the establishment of meteorological observation stations in the BİLSEMs. Special talented students will have the opportunity to learn about the impact of climate on living things and the world and scientific information about meteorology."
Noting that it is necessary to increase children's awareness about the environment, Selçuk said recently natural events such as floods and drought are seen more frequently in Turkey and in the world.
The protocol includes cooperation in order to raise future generations in a healthier and more reliable environment.  
Noting that the Director General for Special Education and Lifelong Learning and Director General for Meteorology will work together as a part of this protocol, Selçuk said the first project of these two directorates will be the carried out in BİLSEMs.
Minister Selçuk stated, "Primarily, we will establish meteorological observation stations in the BİLSEMs. Special talented students will have the opportunity to learn about the impact of climate on living things and the world and scientific information about meteorology. We will encourage students to design projects about global warming and climate changes. We will prepare both theoretical and applied training for BİLSEM students. Moreover, we will organize summer camps and teach coding and applied artificial intelligence issues in meteorology. There will be a second protocol between the Directorate General for Meteorology and the Directorate General for Lifelong Learning. This second protocol aims at introducing meteorological activities and products for participants, students and parents and increasing their awareness about meteorology."
Pakdemirli: We will establish meteorological observation stations in science and arts centers as a part of this protocol
Meanwhile, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli stated that the protocol signed between two ministries aims at increasing awareness of students, teachers and parents about meteorology, climate and weather and establishing meteorological observations systems in science and arts centers (BİLSEMs).
Pakdemirli stressed the importance of cooperation between education and state sector adding that agriculture and forestry sector is based on science and knowledge. "We will achieve improvement by correct interpretation of science and knowledge and we will take steps in line with these goals," Pakdemirli said.
Noting that his ministry supports education and science in every field, Pakdemirli stated, "We are carrying out projects within this context. We have 55 institutes and we are making cooperating with universities to contribute to science."
Pakdemirli also pointed to the recent projects of his ministry and noted that more than 70 academicians are giving lectures in the Agriculture and Forestry Academy affiliated to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
Minister stressed the importance of new generation "agriculture high school" with employment guarantee which was opened in Tokat by the Ministry of National Education.
Noting that there has been a rise in the meteorological incidents and natural disasters in the recent years, Pakdemirli said, "Importance of meteorological knowledge is increasing. In addition to learning meteorological facts, it is also necessary to learn how to use this information in order to make our lives easier."
15 students establish radio communication with International Space Station astronaut 
Before the protocol ceremony, 15 students established amateur radio communication with International Space Station astronaut Victor Glover.
Addressing the ceremony Minister Selçuk stated that the cooperation protocol between two ministries is an important step in increasing student's curiosity about space technologies and raising their awareness about technology and science.
Noting that the radio communication was the first direct contact with a space station from our country, Minister Selçuk addressed students,"The astronaut you talked to was at the same distance to space with you when he was a child. Do not forget that. Now, he is in space. Due to this reason we want you to make big plans and dream big. We expect that your ambition will urge you to learn nature sciences and space technologies. I do not want to pressure you but I know that your ambition and energy will lead you to science and productivity. Do not waste your time and energy for daily and temporary things and you must use them to push to the limits."
Minister Selçuk stated that designing a product or innovation will make a deep impact on the existence of the human kind.
"Students must aim for this", said Minister Selçuk, "We are trying to prepare conditions and offer world standard support in order to make your dreams come true. This is our dream. Your dreams must go further. You can be a space researcher, technology producer or an astronaut if you work hard and with sacrifice. We are here to support you. It is our duty to open your path."