25 December 2020 12:42

Minister of National Education Ziya Selçuk announced the decision of his Ministry about examinations in his social media account.
Selçuk wrote, "We give education in order to raise you with knowledge and information. Examinations are held in order to assess and evaluate what you have learned. This is the only purpose of examinations. If you have a learning loss and we fail to detect this, this loss will cause obstacles throughout your life."
Underlining that pandemic process has been witnessing rapid changes and decisions are taken after making detailed evaluations, Selçuk said, "We have reconsidered our decision to hold face to face examinations in line with the suggestions of the Science Board and the Ministry of Health. We have decided to calculate the record card grades of primary and secondary schools according to their participation in online lessons and grades of high school students will be calculated according to face to face examinations that will be held in the second semester. Please focus only on your health and lessons. What we need most is your health and you are the guarantee of our future."